I am not to sure that I am used to BIG CHANGE in life.
I grew up in a small town and within the same state my WHOLE LIFE.
That is until I MARRIED THE MILITARY at 20 years old.
Even at that I was a military wife with my husband stationed in Florida and me living in my hometown for 4 months because I was scared to move!
On May of 08 just a month after being married my husband had to live off base due to being married and not having his wife around. He got a little two bedroom apartment #84.
It was in Aug of 08 that I finally moved to FLORIDA! With my car full of whatever I could cram into it for the ride.
I remember pulling away from my town crying because I did not want to move, leave my family, school, job most of what I worked hard for because I was married to someone who was in the military. Sometimes its not fair right!?
I hated Florida with a passion. I could not find a job. No job ment no school because of the money. Friends were so hard to make. I was always crying! All while this is happening we are in the two bedroom apartment starting our married life with NOTHING!
At about two and a half years later we are still in #84. I am going to school, I am a teacher. My husband has ranked up and he has been deployed.
Were I am getting at is... how do I let go!? Our lease is about to go up and we are not sure if we want to sign on again another year or move. I LOVE THIS LITTLE PLACE.. although we have a storage unit because we are falling out of it.. we make it work. I don't like change or moving. I want to be in one place for a long period of time and I am sure being in the military that is not always going to happen. However this is our first place together. Where all the memories of being a MARRIED Couple have started for us!
Here are a few pictures of the place!
Well I hope you enjoy!
Please visit Flip Flops And Combat Boots! She has a giveaway going on for Gambizzle Jewels! I think there are three pieces up for grabs! :)
Have a good Tuesday!