I love surveys ... so here is one for ya! :)
1. How long have you been a military wife?
-Today makes 3 WHOLE YEARS!
2. What branch of service is your husband?
-U.S Air Force Special Operations!
3. Active/Reserve?
-Active Duty and PROOD!
4. What is his job?
-Hyro on C-130's!
5. How many deployments have you gone through?
-One long one and many TDY's that should have been counted as DEPLOYMENTS :)
6. Camo or Dress uniforms on your man?
-I love the way he looks in both! However I do love his ABU's.. and sadly I like going out with him in them..
7. What do you like about being a military wife?
-I would have to say there are a TON of things I love about being a Military Wife! I am proud of my husband.. I am proud of being apart of something so much more then the normal! He works very hard for his family and country!
8. Do you live on base?
-We have ALWAYS lived Off Base.. I am not going to lie .. I really love living off base. I am sure if we PCSed overseas we would try to live on base.. but for not OFF IS HOW WE ROLL!
9. What is your favorite base so far?
-Well.. we have been LUCKY.. we have been stationed here at Hurlburt Field, FL for about 4-5 years and we really love the COSTAL lifestyle!
10. What is the hardest part of the military life?
-Being away from HOME.. real home like were all your family is.. somehow you do it .. but deep down you miss it.
11. Do you go to the grocery store or Commissary?
-WALMART!!! haha! I know I know.. most would say different but it works for my liffle family!
12. Do you work or stay at home?
-I am a working SOUL! I have two teaching jobs and go to school full time. I love it.. it is a busy lifestyle but we at the moment do not have little ones and I am a able body to help make money for us until then! :)
13. Do you have a lot of military wife friends?
-NO I DO NOT! I have a ton of blog friends who are Military Wifes. I also have a ton of friends from working. I am not quiet sure how there is always drama around wives in the Military it is sad..but not for me!
14. Do you prefer Walmart or the BX/PX/NEX/MCX?
-Walmart.. I drift on base once in a while just to random shop.
15. How did your husband propose?
-GREEN BAY PACKERS!!! All I can say ... ;)
16. Did you marry him after he joined or before?
-After, we were always friends and then one day .. it happened he joined and life moved on in different directions. We met back up and I became a WIFE!
17. How long have you been together?
AUG. 2007!
18. Any kids?
-NONE but we are god-parents! Two little girls hold our hearts!
19. Any kids yet to come?
-We will see... you might have to stay tuned!
20. Is your husband one of those "I am soldier hear me HOOAH" kind of guys?
-NO! He is a very hardworker and proud!
21. Have you ever done combatives with your husband?
-NO WAY! haha!
22. How many bases have you lived at?
-ONE! He has been at ... two others I would say..
23. If you could change one thing about the military?
-TIME FRAMES and Organization of things within..
24. Do you like military balls?
-We do not have them often.. so I would like to if they ever did have one!
25. Where does your family live?
26. What do you do for a job?
-I am a teacher to the next generation!
27. Have you ever gotten in a fight with an NCO's wife?
28. Name one thing you do when your husband is gone.
29. Do you think other wives do that too?
-Stay busy!
Feel Free to LINK UP!!!
I love reading other post from other WIVES!
Monica A. Heimes