Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy Father's Day// Change!


I am sneaking this post in a little out of order because yesterday was Father's Day! I find it very hard to deal with Father's Day... Shortly after my dad's passing away I was forced to wait tables on a Father's day...*sigh*/ the image of all those happy dad's with their kids brought back flashbacks of being with my dad and reminded me of what I was missing out on at the moment. Which made for a horrible moment and a few tears while waiting on tables of FAMILIES!

Yesterday, I noticed Facebook post with pictures and ect. I liked each and every post to show respect for the people who have their father. I on the other hand.. thought about a few moments with my dad and than looked over to my husband and realized that from this day forward it was probably up to me in order to make HIS FATHERS DAY.. the best day every. So I find myself making change for this day. I am thankful to have had my dad and for him to be the most amazing dad in the world. I am thankful that I am still able to see him in pictures and feel him around me during certain moments in my life. It truly is never easy to lose the first man of your dreams... your dad! It truly is harder to be miles and miles away from his final resting place. 

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