Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Day The Computer Broke!

The computer did not break .. however I experienced a sad but proud moment at work today. 
I finally got news about Mike and in the middle of the news I happened to be in my classroom with my laptop open. I began to take everything all in and relized that my classroom was a mess, my computer was sitting on paint, and I was a mess emotionally.
I left the room and my director and assistant director came to the rescue for my classroom. The children where told that I was sad because my computer broke! I gathered my thoughts and emotions than headed back into my classroom. That is when one of my little ones turns and says "Ms. Monica... you can not throw a tantrum when your computer breaks! Okay!?" I stopped laughed and gave her a hug. 
I still have not heard from Mike and his events but I do know a little .. I am thankful for the friends and family that have been by my side at this moment in time. It truly makes things easier when others are around to help the pain of your loved one being away..
Most people often tell me that I knew what I was doing and that I signed up for this.. but I truly did not .. no spouse does.. and I could not help who I was meant to be with .. that was all in God's hand and his plan.
I will express to you when I can share more info I will.. but at this moment I am ready for him to be home and proud of all that he is accomplishing with the Air Force.
I will leave you with my Facebook stat of the night... 
There's nothing more satisfying than missing someone and being completely broken down and exhausted because you're so in love and more proud than you could ever put into words. Yeah it hurts, but saying it's worth it wouldn't even begin to cover it. - DD ♥

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