Friday, July 16, 2010

I Am In Michigan..

Yes.. I made it.. I left Florida @ 4pm
landed in Dallas @ 7pm.. and my last stop Chicago @ 10pm.
After Chicago it was a 3 hour drive to HOLLAND MICHIGAN my little home town..
3am.. I arrived.. WHOO LONG DAY!
Well my first day in Holland consisted of breakfast and lunch with family.. and
running around getting ready for my dad's memorial tournament.
So I think I am in need of a Red Bull.
Tmrw we will be @ the fields till 8pm..
then Sunday till 7pm.
Wish me lots of luck..
I am tired!
I hope to have lots of pictures soon!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Getting Ready..

As I have been raving about.. today I am boarding a plane for MICHIGAN!
I am excited because I have only seem MY FAMILY.. for a whole day and a half the whole year!
Mikes family we have seen about 3 or 4 times this year..
So I am getting on a plane for 2 weeks for Michigan.. then back to Florida for 3 days.. then in a car to Michigan for a few weeks again! YAY!! ha!
On a different note.. I have been baking cookies like crazy for Mikes work..
MMMM.. White Chocolate Chip! ha!
and aside from that packing.. working.. and getting life organized for this ride I am going to take!
I will post more soon :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Mind Is Over-whelmed..

I am sure is in order.. I will post on other days then the weekend.
This week was FULL!
Although it was a four day week.. it did tend to feel longer.
I worked a few days teaching. I met a friend for lunch at Olive Garden. Now on to my last two things for the week....
First.. I have been in and out of the doctors for a few months for some issues with bleeding while using the restroom. Mike and I were naturally thinking that it could be something harmful to my body.. and after results from test and a few other uncomfortable things... I ending up having Ulcerative Colistis. Well.. what it is... your probly wondering like I was.. its a disease you get genetically. If not monitored it turns into a form of Colon Cancer. It causes you to not eat properly or digest food the right way. I was sent on base and they did a wonderful job helping me! I was given a few different types of medication.. that I will be taking for a long period of time. It is something that will never go away but with the proper check ups and medication I can get it all on track. So .. here is my support ribbion for it! I am going to live with this..with a smile.. and not let it get to me!
and .. Last..
My lovely brother of 18 years.. bought me a ticket to go home to MICHIGAN.. for my birthday! Although my birthday was May 31.. ha ha! I am headed home for July 15-29th! Yay! Why.. now you ask.. well for this!
My father softball tournament! Since my dad passed away on Dec.7.07.. we have thrown a softball tournament to help raise money to pay off the furneral arangements and medical bills. My dads favorite sport was softball.. and we are pretty big players ourselfs.. which makes me feel honored on the 17 of July to see everyone playing ball in honor of my father Saul Anaya Jr.!
I am also excited to see family and friends.
I will be leaving my airman.. home .. due to him not being able to get leave until Aug. Its kind of different for me to leave him.. because I am alway used to him being the one leaving me for military obligations.

On a high note! I have been a cleaning and organizing machine because this trip is less then a week away!
You all have a safe and good weekend!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Relaxing With The Red, White, and Blue...

I am sad that my weekend has come to an end.
Mike and I both had a longer weekend then normal, it consisted of a ton of hanging out.
Friday I had a ladies night! Yay! We did dinner and a movie.. and I am sure you can guess the movie..
Ha! I have to say I liked the movie..but I was not totally impressed for some reason. Maybe it was due to us not going opening day.
Saturday I did alot of hanging out and school work.. I have been consuming my life with the Sookie Stackhouse series..

There are nine books to the series and I am on the eight book. I am hoping to get them all done before I start back up with working full time in Sept. The books are just like the show TrueBlood. However there are a few twist and some parts that are played differently. I do recommend them its good and cheap reading you can pick them up for six bucks at Walmart! :)
At first we wanted to go to the Fireworks in our town on the beach but it was just far to busy. So we got geared up picked up some beer and hung out at home! We loved it.. and it was nice to spend time together..Here are a few pictures.

Today Monday was by far a rainy and lazy day! We made homemade chilli and just relaxed!
I hope you all enjoyed!